Wednesday, January 27, 2010
why not Wednesday
Hey, I have some dance moves and food raps to lay on you guys.
Followed by a performance featuring the carrot rap that was all about a carrot that was too cold and so needed
to get BACK inside the
BACK inside the
BACK inside the
(Obviously, his muse visits him in his sleep.)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Kira in action!
We spent a good chunk of time this afternoon soaking in some sun before the weather turns cold again. I was watching the kids running and playing when I suddenly realized, "Wait a minute! Kira is climbing up the slide! And sliding down! On her bottom!"
She loves to slide, but has always needed a little help with the ladder and has always slid down on her belly. And there she was, acting like she's been doing it this way forever. She would slide right down and land with a thud on her butt. I wanted to catch it on video.
So, I started filming and then she landed on her feet!! For the very first time!! I think we were both surprised and I love, love, love the look of surprise and pride on her little face.
Jackson said, "Mom! We should have a celebration, tonight! To celebrate Kira being such a big girl!" Most definitely.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
trying to be a better human and a disclaimer
I'm also trying to creatively repurpose stuff we already have instead of buying new. That one goes hand in hand with my Out of Debt Before Christmas 2010 Resolution. We're over halfway there already! And yes, that one means you'll have to look at project pics.
And now for the disclaimer. I hate doing the dishes. And my hands are always cold. So, I run hot water while I do the dishes. I know. It's not efficient. It wastes energy and money. BUT my hands are warm and the dishes are done, man. (10 pts if you can name that movie.)
Baby steps.
Love, Wendy
P.S. A big ol' AMEN for jobs secured for my Mom and for Dave, husband to my DR buddy and all around lovely person Mary Ellen.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thank you
That really stuck with me and I wanted to write a post about how that's our job as parents. To fill our kids up with as much Good as we can, so that if they are hit with Evil or even just when the plain old Bad hits, they are armed, equipped, and ready. And hopefully, they'll rarely have to use that armor of Good.
But today, something really bad happened. A police officer, here in Arlington, lost his life this morning. I don't know the exact details, but it was really a freak accident involving his motorcycle and a school bus.
And I thought about how he got up this morning and took a shower. He had breakfast, maybe with his spouse and kids, maybe not. And he walked out of his door and that was it.
And the thing is, there are so many people, every single day, who voluntarily do jobs that guarantee that they will be in direct contact with the bad stuff. Police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, the dispatchers who take the phone calls across 12 hour shifts. They do such Good and help to insulate us from the bad.
I guess I just wanted to make sure that I publicly say, "Thank you." Thank you to that police officer and his family. Thank you to all of those service workers. Thank you.
Yes, it's our job as parents to fill our kids up with Good over and over again. It's our job as people to do it for each other.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
son of random
Me: "Like what?"
Jackson: "Well, a transformer that turns into a truck. And also, a rubber chicken."
Monday, January 11, 2010
good morning!

Friday, January 8, 2010
a little hard won advice
That way, you'll already know where they are when your kid spikes a 104.7 temp at 11:00 pm and proceeds to immediately vomit up his dose of ibuprofen, leaving you no way of knowing if his fever is going to go down, and when the on-call nurse sends you out in the coldest night of the year to get Tylenol suppositories, you won't have to take twenty minutes to figure out where you need to go.
Better yet, just go ahead and get some of those suppositories the next time you're at a pharmacy.
Said child seems to be doing ok today. And the pedi's suggestion that Kira may have been battling a virus along with her ear infection seems to have been an accurate assumption.
(And thank you, Mom, for taking my 15 middle of the night phone calls and making the scary part of parenting a little less so.)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
right now
Right now the kiddos are supposed to be "resting". Instead I'm hearing one voice sing "Old black crow, old black crow goes..." Then two loud voices "singing" ACK, ACK, ACK, ACK.
Earlier today, I heard T. Berry Brazleton on NPR quoting a study that says that interaction between siblings may be more important for a successful adult life than parental interaction.
I think I'll let them rest their way for a little bit longer.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
So, I'm drowning under a mountain of laundry, toys that need to be rearranged/sorted/removed from the house to make room for the new stuff, Christmas decorations that need to be put away, etc. It's cold and kind of gray today and I'd really like to just curl up with a cup of coffee and a book.
If y'all see our fairy nanny, housekeeper, and cook, could you let them know we need them stat?
Love, Wendy
Monday, January 4, 2010
and now back to our regularly scheduled programming