Monday, May 4, 2009

30 hours

That was my beautiful early Mother's Day gift from my husband. He took the kids to his parents' house for the weekend and left me home alone. It was wonderful.

I spent the time cleaning and organizing the kids' room and getting to work on our junk room - all in preparation for the upcoming garage sale. It was so nice to have such a huge chunk of time to focus on a project. I had the hardest time falling asleep on Sat night, though. I really missed my family!


  1. ooh, that's nice! It's funny how you don't realize how much you miss them once it's nice an quiet!

  2. I am so jealous that my eyeballs are green. Lucky you! I am emailing my husband a link to your post...think he'll get the hint?

  3. What a totally fabulous Mother's Day gift! I constantly whine about how I have no time to get things done with little ones under foot. Star on your hubby's forehead! Sorry you couldn't fall asleep Saturday night. You would think you would have fallen asleep easy since you were so busy working around your house?! LOL!

  4. love it!!!! i bet that felt great to get things done without interuptions.

  5. Oh what a dream! I don't know if I'd get anything done at all...I'd just sit around and read and nap and munch.

    I always think it's weirdest when I'm home without kids. I miss them much more than when I'm the one who goes away.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  6. So glad you got some alone time. I can imagine how bitter sweet it must have been...
