Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I'm supposed to be filling out the paperwork for Kira's PPCD testing right now. Obviously, I'm not doing it.

I went to pick it up yesterday, and I was really surprised at how emotional I felt when I left. I almost started crying right there in the parking lot.

The school is nice. Everyone I've met is very friendly and I've heard wonderful things, so it's not that.

When I got there, I was surprised to find Kira's ECI coordinator there, too. She just happened to be in the office where I needed to pick up the paperwork. And then it was about five minutes of signing this release for info, that release for info, and three thick stacks of paper for me to take home.

The PPCD coordinator (no idea what her title is) said, "Now, it's Down syndrome, right?" and when I said yes, "Oh, we LOVE Down syndrome. We have two with Down syndrome in the class right next door! She is coming here, right?" There are, I think, 10 different PPCD programs here - most are in the elementary schools, but one is just preschool for 3-4 year olds and kids on IEPs. They have classes with just typically developing kids, classes just for kids on IEPs, and blended classes. Kira will most likely be in a blended class.

I think what bothered me was that here we are at the start of the next chapter and to the powers that be Kira is a pile of paperwork and "Down syndrome". And while I have no doubt that they will love my daughter, it's not because she has Down syndrome. She's my smart, beautiful, funny daughter not a bunch of test results and check marks on a development chart.

Throw in my ambivalence about sending her to preschool five days a week at the age of three and I'm a mess.

A procrastinating mess. Ugh.


  1. I'm sure they will love her for HER! She'll do great, mama!

  2. Ugh! I can totally feel your emotions right now. Brennan is 1 1/2 years from starting preschool and I am already dreading it - though at the same time, I'm quite sure he'll love it....as will Kira.

  3. oh, man, Wendy. Sometimes I think people who work in education/EI/etc think they can just say whatever they want, like they're exempt from normal manners and stuff. "We love Down syndrome"??? Ick.

    Hugs. FWIW, I've found preschool (so far) to be a good match for Abby.

  4. Cate's right. I've read the words of and have been around lots of people that work in Special Education and there seems to be this belief that they can say whatever just because.

    And that's wrong. Maybe I shouldn't, but I expect more out of those people.

    Would they say, "Oh, we LOVE cleft palates!"? I mean, seriously.

    I hope that lady is kicking herself right now, thinking, "What I meant to say was, 'We're so excited to have your daughter join us here!'"

  5. They will love Kira! I didn't like being asked Goldie's diagnosis at her IEP meeting. I understand they need to know, but I felt like as soon as they hear DS they get a certain picture in their mind. I don't want her stereotyped. I wonder, would they treat a "typical" child with the same delays differently?
