Friday, December 10, 2010
If you sign up here, you'll get a coupon for a free appetizer at Chili's and help my dear friend, Teri, to win a contest at work. Thank you!
Back to blogging after the holidays, hopefully.
P.S. Please say a prayer, send good energy, think good thoughts for my sweet boy who has the flu. Thank you.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Funk
I've been dealing with The Funk since last Tuesday. I did the PTA Pumpkin Patch fundraiser for Kira's school all day on Wednesday (We made $415!) and then went out on Wednesday night (Sound of Music singalong!) and stayed up way too late. Overdid it.
Felt like hammered poop for the rest of the week, but thought that I'd be able to do the garage sale Kam and I had planned for Sunday at her house. I was wrong.
If you have to convalesce, however, I highly recommend Kam and Teri's house.
Services include:
Hot toddies
Teri guarding the door so that your children MUST let you sleep for a two hour nap (bliss!)
Comfort food prepared by a professional chef - chicken with champagne cream sauce, spaghetti squash and quinoa. Yum.
Fabulous conversation and cute kids running around being cute
So, I'm pretty sure I've now moved on to sinus/ear infection and I'm heading to the doctor this afternoon. Hopefully with some antibiotics in my system, I'll be able to help make ghost pops for our next PTA thing, tomorrow. At this point, I'd just be passing on the plague, so I had to flake out for today.
Thank you Kam and Teri for taking such good care of me this weekend! And thank you Michelle for a fun movie night and for listening to me croak along to "doe a deer". And thank you Jane and Cary for making all day Pumpkin Patching so much fun.
And now I'm crawling back into bed until I have to crawl back out to pick Kira up from school.
Take your vitamins, y'all. Love, W.
Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Little Punkins!

(That police officer in the background is Aunt Karen.)
Thank you Beeka and Karen for always entertaining our Perdueligans in such fine fashion!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Great State Fair of Texas - T21 edition
And we ate Fried Frito Pie!
Pics later when I steal them from my FIL.
(and yes, I know I'm behind again. But, I've already blogged more than I have in the past four months, so I'm calling this a success.)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
NPR DFW part 2 Karma
And two hours later on my local NPR station, the show Think featured Alexandra Codina, the filmmaker of Monica and David.
It was a great interview. Too short, because it was on during the pledge drive, but very respectfully done.
The part that really stuck with me was Codina's point that she felt that Monica and David weren't limited by their disability so much as limited by everyone else's perception of their disablity. So true, I think.
There is a special screening of Monica and David, tonight in Dallas. I wish I could go! Dang PTA.
I can't end without saying that I cried most of the way through the show. When I hear anything about life with Down syndrome presented in such an open, accepting way, it just gets me. I think we are so lucky to be living in a time when so many doors are opening. Sure, some of them are open just a crack, and we have to shove them open with everything we have, but there ARE openings.
Windows and doors and slivers of light that make my daughter's future so much brighter.
I'll post a link to the podcast as soon as it's up. And p.s., I'm now caught back up with the number of posts I need for 31 for 21! (We'll see how long that lasts.)
Hug your babies.
Love, W.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I wish I could do that for the new mamas that are finding out right now. The ones getting shocked at birth. The ones getting unexpected test results. I wish I could tell them that it's going to be fine. Your child will rock. Your family will stretch and grow. Your world will get bigger and better in ways you never imagined. It won't be easy, but it will be good.
But, I think that it's a road you just have to travel for yourself. You have to be the one thinking: "Well, I'll just have the superstar kid with Down syndrome." "We'll get all the therapies! She'll be fine!"
And then realizing that your child rocks because they just do. Not because of when they hit milestones, or when they speak, or when they potty train. Not because of how closely they mirror their "typical" counterparts. Just because they ARE.
I think part of my guilt around Kira's birth centers on the fact that I totally discounted a huge chunk of society. And I didn't even know I was doing it. I just didn't see kids with different abilities, I mean really see them. Sure I thought, "I don't think I could handle that" and "those are some really awesome parents" when I saw kids who obviously had challenges. But I didn't see the value in the kids, themselves.
Now, when I tell a mom of a newborn baby with Ds, "Congratulations!" I mean it. Because that's a new life right there. Full of possibilities. Full of promise. A whole new journey.
And for the mama? It's not a detour. It's not a roadblock. It's a wider path. And when you're ready, and you look around, it's full of amazing people walking it with you.
And it rocks. Thank y'all.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The bubble

Monday, October 4, 2010
Big Kids
We've had a crazy week around here. After a healthy summer, the kids, of course, managed to come down with a nasty virus three weeks into school starting. Jackson started running fever last Saturday. Kira started on Monday. I took them both to the doctor for strep tests. Not strep.
On Wednesday night, Jackson was still running fever and it got up to 104.4. So, back to the dr we headed on Thursday. Not mono. Not flu. Headed to the children's hospital for xrays. Not pneumonia.
On Thursday, Jackson's fever broke. I've found that his illnesses require a sacrifice of expensive medical testing before they'll go.
Kira ran fever for over five days, too. Though she never ran that high. It's funny because people assume that she's our medically fragile one. I always mention that she started crawling a week and a half after heart surgery. She's a tough chick.
And speaking of her heart surgery...we got the all clear from her cardiologist last month!! She only needs to see Kira on an "as needed" basis from now on!! Kira was born with a PDA and an ASD. Her cardiologist attempted to close the PDA with a device that essentially plugs it up, but Kira's was ginourmous and the device pulled right through it. So, on Feb 14, 2008, she had surgery to close it. They went in through her side and deflated her lung to get to it.
We thought she would just have to live with the ASD, luckily it was small. But when she had her echo done last month, there was no sign of the ASD!! Woo-hoo!!
I am so thankful that we have Cook Children's Hospital. My kids feel right at home there, and I'm thankful. I know that's kind of a weird thing to be thankful for, but when Jackson has needed to go in for xrays or whatever, he's not scared. He loves going there. Kira is understandably not thrilled to go for blood draws, but she isn't scared of the hospital. And y'all, she was SUCH a big girl during her testing last month. Sat up straight and tall during the EKG, kept it together, even though she wasn't entirely sure what was coming next. Tough chick.
We always eat lunch in the cafeteria when we're there. Last time, I looked down and realized that no one was in a stroller. They were both sticking close to me while we waited for our food. They stayed in line with me. We walked to our table together. They entertained one another while I went to get napkins and straws and stuff. I had to take a sec and recognize that here we were in the next stage, together. Two big kids and their mom enjoying lunch. They're still my babies, though.
Hug your babies, y'all!
Love, W.
P.S. While I was looking for a pic to put in this post, I remembered something else I wanted to say. When Kira started saying "Mama", I wasn't sure if she was really saying it, or just practicing her "muh" sound. After the failed attempt to plug the PDA, when they brought her too me right after she came out from under anesthesia, she snuggled into my arms, looked me straight in the eye, and breathed "Mama" with a sigh of relief. It was perfect.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Twins

Friday, October 1, 2010
aaaaaaaaaannnnddd we're back! (31 for 21)

Grab This Button
31 for 21, y'all. 31 posts in 31 days in honor of my girl's 21st chromosome. And a great chance for a lazy blogger to get her mojo working again.
So, let's see. Where were we?
Kids are in school. Kira for a 1/2 day and Jackson in all day Kindergarten. Jackson had a bit of a rough start, but now absolutely adores school. Adores it in a way that is sure to get his ass kicked at some point in the future. Bless him.
Kira returned to school like the princess she is. Beauty queen waving like she was on the back of a convertible all the way down the hall.
I'm in full on PTA mode. PTA doesn't play, y'all. Serious business.
ummm....what else? Oh, we have a cat. Her name is Lulu. She rocks. She'll get her own post or two this month.
I'll leave you with first day of school pics. And a promise to do my best to blog every day. And maybe even talk about Down syndrome.
Missed y'all.
Love, W.

Friday, September 17, 2010
Jackson decided that he wanted to take his lunch to school on Thursday. He, of course, decided this on Wednesday, so I wasn't sure what I'd have to put in his lunch.
Me: Ok, it's all packed! You have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cantaloupe, watermelon, carrots and celery. So, you're good to go!
Jackson: Actually Mom, I'd like to be GREAT to go. Could you put some peaches in there, too?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Happy Friday, y'all!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
me: 3,175?
J: Nope! Try again!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
kira speak
Saying it doesn't make it so, babe. Get in the house!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
ready for summer. thinking about Christmas.
I spent yesterday printing out all of the calendars for all of the free/cheap summer stuff going on around here. It's amazing how many really cool things there are to do. We're lucky to have a Levitt Pavilion that offers free concerts from now through July 3. There are several free/cheap movie festivals going on. And, of course, all of the Summer Reading Club events at the library.
So, I've gathered all of the info up into a Summer 2010 folder. I went ahead and put all of the regular weekly offerings together onto a weekly planner page, so I'll know what our options are each week, in addition to whatever special stuff is going on. I'm so excited!
Now for the Christmas part. I'm going for a mainly handmade Christmas again this year. I'm scouting the yard sales and thrift stores for crafting supplies and bookmarking tutorial links like a madwoman.
Anyone up for doing a Handmade Christmas with me this year? (Carrie!)
Also Christmas related during the summer:
-Target does a big toy clearance (think 75% off) usually at the end of July/first of August. You'll see them start to gather all the clearance toys onto one or two aisles. They'll do their usual 30%, then 50% off first. If you can catch the 75% off it's a great time to start your Christmas shopping or to stock up on toys for last minute birthday party gifts.
-Back to school sales on school supplies start Julyish, too. It is hands down the best time of year to stock up on art supplies. You can't beat .25 scissors and crayons, and paper, glue, folders, etc for even cheaper. I like to stock up on all of it for craft supplies for my kids and for gifts/party favors for the whole year.
Thank you for joining me for a Random Minute in Wendy's Brain. That's all I got. Hug your babies.
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
who knew?
(And for the record: No. I do not want to play another round of "Guess what I'm saying in secret code".)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
we're dang fancy, y'all

Monday, May 17, 2010
inexpensive teacher's gift idea

I think I'm going to do the same thing for Jackson's Zoo School teachers for the last day of school.
2 bouquets from Aldi's @ 3.99 ea - 7.98
3 coffee mugs from Salvation Army - 2.50 total (If I'd of been thinking ahead, I could of garage sale'd these for WAY less than that.)
1 large block of floral foam - $1.50 after 40% off coupon at Joann's
$11.98 for 3 gifts - not bad!
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010
kira speak
"oo turn, Mommy!" - your turn, Mommy. I LOVE this.
"uh oo" - Love you. At first, she said this in answer to us saying "I love you." Now, she'll tell us out of the blue. I'm so thankful.
empty - amazing how many ways she uses "empty" to get her meaning across.
"puler" - computer.
"rah-rahtz" - which is Yo Gabba Gabba. I think it has something to do with "robot". Anyway, rah-rahtz is her fave.
minnow - we have the book Would you rather be a bullfrog? and one of the questions is "Would you rather be a minnow or a whale?". One day, Kira shouted out, "MINNOW!" and it cracked us up. She loved the reaction, apparently, because she now likes to randomly shout it out. She also really likes to add it on when Jackson asks her to say something. Like, "Kira, say Daddy" - "MINNOW DADDY!" She thinks she's huh-larious.
"dat" "dere" "dis" - that, there, this. She uses these to drive me batshit crazy. Great that she knows them. Not so great when I have no idea what she's talking about.
"beh-dy?" - ready? She asks me this right before she does something that she thinks is awesome, like jumping, or dancing, or singing.
"morning!" - she says this about 152 times as she greets everyone walking down the hall to her classroom.
"doh-durt" - yogurt. Absolutely her favorite food.
"duh-ders" - crackers. Sounds almost exactly like doh-durt. She knows the sign for cracker, though, so that's how we figure it out.
And a story:
We were leaving the Dr's office when I realized that I locked my keys in the car. We had to call Derek to come rescue us (how he got to spend his lunch break on his birthday). So, Jackson, Kira, and I were waiting in the Dr's waiting room.
Kira: Mommy. rah-ratz puler? (Mommy, can we watch Yo Gabba Gabba on the computer?)
Me: No, baby. There's no computer here.
Kira (pointing to the TV): dere?
Me: No, baby. I'm sorry. We can't watch it there.
She thought for a sec and then her eyes lit up and she said: Mommy! Come on. Car. Home. Rah-rahtz puler.
Cracked me up! She was like, "I've totally got this figured out. We don't have to sit here. We can just get in the car, go home, and watch it there. Silly Mommy."
I don't know if I'd call her vocabulary approximations or not. I have to translate most of what she says, but sounds are getting clearer. Like "bed-dy" for ready was "belly" until very recently. She'll be having tubes put in and her tonsils (and maybe adenoids) removed soon, so it will be interesting to see how all of that plays into her language/speech. We still use lots of sign language, and she constantly has me asking her teacher what this or that new sign she's using is.
Sometimes she'll really surprise me with how she's able to communicate her thought processes to me, like with the Yo Gabba Gabba puler story.
The other day, I was getting her a drink while I was holding her. I put the lid on the cup and said, "Now what do we need?" and she said, "Straw." I need to remember to ask things like that more often. To give her the chance to show me what she knows.
I'm also starting to get little bits of communication that show me that she understands past/present/future. The other day, Jackson was off for a day of fun with his Beeka. I treated Kira and I to pizza for lunch. When Derek got home that evening, I said, "Daddy, Kira and I went to lunch today." and she said "Pizza" without any prompting. That was very cool. Jackson and I were able to talk about his day, etc, so very early. It's one of the things that I'm so ready for with Kira. We're getting there.
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
it doesn't take much, y'all
But, my second cup usually comes a little bit later. I put the kettle on, run to switch the clothes out from the washer to the dryer, get sidetracked while folding the clothes from the dryer, go wipe someone's hiney, remember that I was going to do xyz, wonder who the hell moved my scissors (me)....And then, from the kitchen, I hear the wonderful whistle of the kettle, and get a little thrill...OH YES!!! I'M GOING TO HAVE COFFEE!!!
I may have been a dog in a past life.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
wip wednesday

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
glorious day

Thursday, February 18, 2010
checking in

Thursday, February 4, 2010
where does he get this stuff?
Jackson: Dad, you look like a wood chopper.
Derek: What's wrong with that?
Jackson: Well, first off, this isn't the woods, Hot Chop.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hello February
Last week:
Kira - woke up at 3:30 am on Tuesday sounding like she was gasping for breath. Her lips were pink. She was sucking her thumb, but her breathing sounded horrible. Diagnosis: croup and another ear infection.
Jackson - On Friday morning, he started running a fever. By 3:00 that afternoon, his fever was at 105.1. We headed to the children's hospital ER to pick up our pneumonia diagnosis.
I think the funky virus I had a few days before Kira got sick manifested itself in a variety of ways. Derek's had a cough, too. We all seem to be on the mend, thankfully.
A semi-related kind of gross funny: I keep having to apologize to Derek for accidentally getting snot on him when I kiss him. He said, "That's ok. I've just started thinking of you as my little snail of love."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
why not Wednesday
Hey, I have some dance moves and food raps to lay on you guys.
Followed by a performance featuring the carrot rap that was all about a carrot that was too cold and so needed
to get BACK inside the
BACK inside the
BACK inside the
(Obviously, his muse visits him in his sleep.)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Kira in action!
We spent a good chunk of time this afternoon soaking in some sun before the weather turns cold again. I was watching the kids running and playing when I suddenly realized, "Wait a minute! Kira is climbing up the slide! And sliding down! On her bottom!"
She loves to slide, but has always needed a little help with the ladder and has always slid down on her belly. And there she was, acting like she's been doing it this way forever. She would slide right down and land with a thud on her butt. I wanted to catch it on video.
So, I started filming and then she landed on her feet!! For the very first time!! I think we were both surprised and I love, love, love the look of surprise and pride on her little face.
Jackson said, "Mom! We should have a celebration, tonight! To celebrate Kira being such a big girl!" Most definitely.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
trying to be a better human and a disclaimer
I'm also trying to creatively repurpose stuff we already have instead of buying new. That one goes hand in hand with my Out of Debt Before Christmas 2010 Resolution. We're over halfway there already! And yes, that one means you'll have to look at project pics.
And now for the disclaimer. I hate doing the dishes. And my hands are always cold. So, I run hot water while I do the dishes. I know. It's not efficient. It wastes energy and money. BUT my hands are warm and the dishes are done, man. (10 pts if you can name that movie.)
Baby steps.
Love, Wendy
P.S. A big ol' AMEN for jobs secured for my Mom and for Dave, husband to my DR buddy and all around lovely person Mary Ellen.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thank you
That really stuck with me and I wanted to write a post about how that's our job as parents. To fill our kids up with as much Good as we can, so that if they are hit with Evil or even just when the plain old Bad hits, they are armed, equipped, and ready. And hopefully, they'll rarely have to use that armor of Good.
But today, something really bad happened. A police officer, here in Arlington, lost his life this morning. I don't know the exact details, but it was really a freak accident involving his motorcycle and a school bus.
And I thought about how he got up this morning and took a shower. He had breakfast, maybe with his spouse and kids, maybe not. And he walked out of his door and that was it.
And the thing is, there are so many people, every single day, who voluntarily do jobs that guarantee that they will be in direct contact with the bad stuff. Police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, the dispatchers who take the phone calls across 12 hour shifts. They do such Good and help to insulate us from the bad.
I guess I just wanted to make sure that I publicly say, "Thank you." Thank you to that police officer and his family. Thank you to all of those service workers. Thank you.
Yes, it's our job as parents to fill our kids up with Good over and over again. It's our job as people to do it for each other.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
son of random
Me: "Like what?"
Jackson: "Well, a transformer that turns into a truck. And also, a rubber chicken."
Monday, January 11, 2010
good morning!

Friday, January 8, 2010
a little hard won advice
That way, you'll already know where they are when your kid spikes a 104.7 temp at 11:00 pm and proceeds to immediately vomit up his dose of ibuprofen, leaving you no way of knowing if his fever is going to go down, and when the on-call nurse sends you out in the coldest night of the year to get Tylenol suppositories, you won't have to take twenty minutes to figure out where you need to go.
Better yet, just go ahead and get some of those suppositories the next time you're at a pharmacy.
Said child seems to be doing ok today. And the pedi's suggestion that Kira may have been battling a virus along with her ear infection seems to have been an accurate assumption.
(And thank you, Mom, for taking my 15 middle of the night phone calls and making the scary part of parenting a little less so.)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
right now
Right now the kiddos are supposed to be "resting". Instead I'm hearing one voice sing "Old black crow, old black crow goes..." Then two loud voices "singing" ACK, ACK, ACK, ACK.
Earlier today, I heard T. Berry Brazleton on NPR quoting a study that says that interaction between siblings may be more important for a successful adult life than parental interaction.
I think I'll let them rest their way for a little bit longer.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
So, I'm drowning under a mountain of laundry, toys that need to be rearranged/sorted/removed from the house to make room for the new stuff, Christmas decorations that need to be put away, etc. It's cold and kind of gray today and I'd really like to just curl up with a cup of coffee and a book.
If y'all see our fairy nanny, housekeeper, and cook, could you let them know we need them stat?
Love, Wendy
Monday, January 4, 2010
and now back to our regularly scheduled programming